Ryan Reece’s selected software projects

at github

I am a physicist and machine learning scientist. Read more about me and my research here.

This page describes some projects I’m developing at github. Please feel free to leave me comments below.


  1. gmm
  2. hypr-ai
  3. ipyhep
  4. markdown2bib
  5. markdown-memo
  6. pyframe
  7. pyrootutils
  8. root2html
  9. rootnotes


gmm exmaple results

This sprint is where I am exploring fitting gaussian mixture models (GMM) using sklearn, trying to do a kind of unspervised learning.

Repo: github.com/rreece/gmm
Created: Dec 2, 2017



This is my project as an Insight Artificial Intellegence Fellow. HYPR.AI is a cloud-based deep learning and hyperparameter optimization platform that I developed with Jimmy Hu and Dan Feldman. It contains a RESTful service, dockerized training worker, and a WebUI build upon the RESTful service.

Repo: github.com/rreece/hypr-ai
Created: Jan 14, 2018



ipyhep is a Python package I have developed for making plots that are common in high-energy physics, most importantly stacked histograms, with PyROOT and Jupyter notebooks.

Repo: github.com/rreece/ipyhep
Created: Mar 15, 2015



Converts simple markdown-formatted APA bibliographies to bibtex. Scrape the world’s bibliographies. All your bibs are belong to us.

Repo: github.com/rreece/markdown2bib
Created: Mar, 15, 2016



This project is meant to make writing easier and more productive. This package makes it very easy to use pandoc to compile notes taken in Markdown into valid xhtml or to a pdf via LaTeX. It basically consists of a Makefile and some html/css templates. You can use it to make simple webpages like this one (for example, by writing this simple markdown).

Read the guide to markdown-memo.

Repo: github.com/rreece/markdown-memo
Created: Jul 29, 2014



This Python package is a framework for doing event-by-event processing of ROOT ntuple files. Several analyses for physics measurements and searches for new physics with the ATLAS experiment were preformed with this framework or derivatives of it. A good overview of pyframe is given in these slides. A wiki for an older implementation specific for ATLAS is here. This makes use of pyrootutils, described below.

Repo: github.com/rreece/pyframe
Created: May 26, 2010



A set of useful tools for taming pyroot. This package has my default implementations for how to read and write trees/ntuples/files with pyroot.

Repo: github.com/rreece/pyrootutils
Created: May 26, 2015



This is a tool for visualizing many variables in multi-dimensional data. It is a script that generates clickable-expandable html and images from a ROOT file of TCanvases for visualizing plots. An example of its output is here.

Repo: github.com/rreece/root2html
Created: Feb 16, 2011


This is a python module that allows ROOT to be integrated into Jupyter notebooks. It was first developed by Alexander Mazurov, but I have extended it, and it is used by ipyhep.

Repo: github.com/rreece/rootnotes
Created: Nov 8, 2016