ML and realism references to use

  1. Alai_2004_AI_Scientific_Discovery_and_Realism1
  2. Aurisano_2016_A_convolutional_neural_network_neutrino_event2
  3. Bengio_2009_Learning_Deep_Architectures_for_AI3
  4. Bensusan_2000_Is_machine_learning_experimental_philosophy4
  5. Bueno_2014_Computer_Simulations_An_Inferential_Conception5
  6. Button_2016_Structure_and_Categoricity_Determinacy6
  7. Carnap_1945_On_Inductive_Logic7
  8. Carnap_1945_Two_Concepts_of_Probability8
  9. Carnap_1947_On_the_Application_of_Inductive_Logic9
  10. Carnap_1947_Probability_as_a_Guide_in_Life10
  11. Carnap_1950_Empiricism_Semantics_and_Ontology11
  12. Copeland_1996_On_Alan_Turings_anticipation_of_connectionism12
  13. Cowan_1998_Statistical_Data_Analysis13
  14. Cowan_2011_Asymptotic_formulae_for_likelihood_based_tests14
  15. Cowan_2016_Statistics15
  16. Cranmer_2015_Practical_Statistics_for_the_LHC16
  17. David_2015_Deepsign_Deep_learning_for_automatic_malware17
  18. Davies_1987_Hypothesis_testing_when_a_nuisance_parameter_is18
  19. DiNardo_2009_Introductory_remarks_on_metastatistics19
  20. Farley_1954_Simulation_of_Self_Organizing_Systems_by_Digital20
  21. Freund_1996_Experiments_with_a_new_boosting_algorithm21
  22. Fukushima_1980_Neocognitron_A_self_organizing_neural_network22
  23. Ghahramani_2015_Probabilistic_machine_learning_and_artificial23
  24. Good_1988_The_interface_between_statistics_and_philosophy24
  25. Goodell_2016_The_Rise_of_Intellegent_Machines25
  26. Goodman_1955_Fact_Fiction_and_Forecast26
  27. Guest_2016_Jet_flavor_classification_in_high_energy_physics27
  28. Hacking_2001_An_Introduction_to_Probability_and_Inductive_Logic28
  29. Hastie_2009_The_Elements_of_Statistical_Learning_Data_Mining29
  30. Hennig_2015_What_are_the_true_clusters30
  31. Huang_2016_Unsupervised_learning_of_discriminative_attributes31
  32. Hume_2007_An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Understanding32
  33. James_2006_Statistical_Methods_in_Experimental_Particle33
  34. Kendall_1946_The_Advanced_Theory_of_Statistics_VolII34
  35. Korb_2004_Introduction_Machine_learning_as_philosophy35
  36. Krizhevsky_2012_ImageNet_Classification_with_Deep_Convolutional36
  37. Le_2013_Building_high_level_features_using_large_scale37
  38. LeCun_1989_Backpropagation_applied_to_handwritten_zip_code38
  39. LeCun_1998_Gradient_based_learning_applied_to_document39
  40. LeCun_2015_Deep_learning40
  41. Louppe_2017_QCD_Aware_Recursive_Neural_Networks_for_Jet41
  42. MacFarlane_2017_Rudolf_Carnap_1891_197042
  43. Mayo_1996_Error_and_the_Growth_of_Experimental_Knowledge43
  44. Mcculloch_1943_A_logical_calculus_of_the_ideas_immanent44
  45. Miller_2014_Realism45
  46. Plaut_2018_From_Principal_Subspaces_to_Principal_Components46
  47. Psillos_1999_Scientific_Realism_How_Science_Tracks_Truth47
  48. Psillos_2016_The_Realist_Turn_in_the_Philosophy_of_Science48
  49. Quine_1969_Natural_kinds49
  50. Reichenbach_1938_Experience_and_Prediction50
  51. Reichenbach_1940_On_the_Justification_of_Induction51
  52. Rochester_1956_Tests_on_a_cell_assembly_theory_of_the_action52
  53. Rosenblatt_1958_The_Perceptron_A_Probabilistic_Model53
  54. Salmon_1963_On_Vindicating_Induction54
  55. Salmon_1966_The_Foundations_of_Scientific_Inference55
  56. Salmon_1991_Hans_Reichenbachs_Vindication_of_Induction56
  57. Schmidhuber_2015_Deep_learning_in_neural_networks_An_overview57
  58. Sellars_1964_Induction_as_Vindication58
  59. Sider_2011_Writing_the_Book_of_the_World59
  60. Solomonoff_1996_Does_Algorithmic_Probability_Solve_the_Problem60
  61. Solomonoff_1997_The_Discovery_of_Algorithmic_Probability61
  62. Theodoridis_2009_Pattern_Recognition62
  63. Turing_2004_Intelligent_Machinery63
  64. Wald_1943_Tests_of_Statistical_Hypotheses_Concerning_Several64
  65. Wang_2017_On_the_Origin_of_Deep_Learning65
  66. Weintraub_1995_What_was_Humes_Contribution_to_the_Problem66
  67. Wilks_1938_Large_sample_distribution_of_the_likelihood_ratio67
  68. Williamson_2004_A_dynamic_interaction_between_machine_learning68
  69. Williamson_2009_Probabilistic_theories_of_causality69
  70. Williamson_2010_The_Philosophy_of_Science_and_its_relation70
  71. Williamson_2011_Objective_Bayesianism_Bayesian_conditionalisation71
  72. vanFraassen_1980_The_Scientific_Image72


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  1. Alai (2004).↩︎

  2. Aurisano, A. et al. (2016).↩︎

  3. Bengio (2009).↩︎

  4. Bensusan (2000).↩︎

  5. Bueno (2014).↩︎

  6. Button & Walsh (2016).↩︎

  7. Carnap (1945a).↩︎

  8. Carnap (1945b).↩︎

  9. Carnap (1947a).↩︎

  10. Carnap (1947b).↩︎

  11. Carnap (1950).↩︎

  12. Copeland & Proudfoot (1996).↩︎

  13. Cowan (1998).↩︎

  14. Cowan, Cranmer, Gross, & Vitells (2011).↩︎

  15. Cowan (2016).↩︎

  16. Cranmer (2015).↩︎

  17. David & Netanyahu (2015).↩︎

  18. Davies (1987).↩︎

  19. DiNardo (2009).↩︎

  20. Farley & Clark (1954).↩︎

  21. Freund & Schapire (1996).↩︎

  22. Fukushima (1980).↩︎

  23. Ghahramani (2015).↩︎

  24. Good (1988).↩︎

  25. Goodell (2016).↩︎

  26. Goodman (1955).↩︎

  27. Guest, D. et al. (2016).↩︎

  28. Hacking (2001).↩︎

  29. Hastie, Tibshirani, & Friedman (2009).↩︎

  30. Hennig (2015).↩︎

  31. Huang, Loy, & Tang (2016).↩︎

  32. Hume (2007).↩︎

  33. James (2006).↩︎

  34. Kendall (1946).↩︎

  35. Korb (2004).↩︎

  36. Krizhevsky, Sutskever, & Hinton (2012).↩︎

  37. Le, Q. V. and et al (2013).↩︎

  38. LeCun, Y. et al. (1989).↩︎

  39. LeCun, Bottou, Bengio, & Haffner (1998).↩︎

  40. LeCun, Bengio, & Hinton (2015).↩︎

  41. Louppe, Cho, Becot, & Cranmer (2017).↩︎

  42. MacFarlane (2017).↩︎

  43. Mayo (1996).↩︎

  44. Mcculloch & Pitts (1943).↩︎

  45. Miller (2014).↩︎

  46. Plaut (2018).↩︎

  47. Psillos (1999).↩︎

  48. Psillos (2016).↩︎

  49. Quine (1969).↩︎

  50. Reichenbach (1938).↩︎

  51. Reichenbach (1940).↩︎

  52. Rochester, Holland, Habit, & Duda (1956).↩︎

  53. Rosenblatt (1958).↩︎

  54. Salmon (1963).↩︎

  55. Salmon (1966).↩︎

  56. Salmon (1991).↩︎

  57. Schmidhuber (2015).↩︎

  58. Sellars (1964).↩︎

  59. Sider (2011).↩︎

  60. Solomonoff (1996).↩︎

  61. Solomonoff (1997).↩︎

  62. Theodoridis & Koutroumbas (2009).↩︎

  63. Turing (2004).↩︎

  64. Wald (1943).↩︎

  65. Wang, Raj, & Xing (2017).↩︎

  66. Weintraub (1995).↩︎

  67. Wilks (1938).↩︎

  68. Williamson (2004).↩︎

  69. Williamson (2009).↩︎

  70. Williamson (2010).↩︎

  71. Williamson (2011).↩︎

  72. van Fraassen (1980).↩︎